Yesterday I received the debit card that you are able to order with the rewards app I wrote about earlier this month called Jingit. It came very quickly, and the card looks better than expected. It is a Visa with the Jingit logo on the top left. This is pretty handy for the rewards app since you can simply load the Jingit card as you make money on the site and then use the card as you please. The activation was quick and easy as it should be.
So far my experience with Jingit has been pretty mediocre. I have made around $5 on the site, and so far it has been difficult to make much more money using it. Still, I make a few cents here and there and it may not seem like much but this could add up to around $100 a year, which if spent wisely could turn into much more.
I found a new rewards app that deals with QR codes that I will be writing about soon after my initial tests of it.
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